So You Landed an Interview…

Now the real work begins. How do you get the hiring manager to hire you? Here are 3 Things Hiring Managers Want to Know!

While hiring managers look at qualifying traits such as personality, aptitude, and experience, there are a few other questions they’re dying to know the answers to. Be ready to answer these questions to increase your chances of getting the job.

1. What Value Do You Bring to the Organization?

Hiring managers are looking for someone who will help solve their problems. If you can explain this clearly, the hiring manager’s confidence will increase and so will your chances of being hired.

2. What Are Your Short Term Goals?

How are you going to take your value and experience to the next level? Hiring managers want to hire a person who has a career direction. They’re looking for someone who knows what they want to improve and what they want to achieve.

3. Why Do You Want the Job?

Before the interview, it’s important to do your research on the company. In your research, you may come across something that you relate to on a personal or professional level. Speaking to that will show a deeper interest in working for the company. Be sure to weave in how you will benefit the company with your career goals as this will prove a deep interest in the opportunity.

We hope you find these 3 Things Hiring Managers Want to Know useful! Check out more blogs like this one for tips on How to Stand Out on Your Resume, How to Have a Productive Day, and more!

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